
Here's how to get started
Step 1 – Explore the different ways you could use your Hootfund:
Wellness: Fitness classes, meditation apps, personal training
Professional development: Training programs, audiobook subscriptions, e-learning courses (where you might have used the Growth Fund before)
Family and home: Home office, childcare services, baby gear and accessories
Click here to view the full list of eligible (and in-eligible) expenses as well as other program information.
Step 2 – Make purchases on eligible expenses with the help of Forma:
There are two ways to use your Hootfund in your Forma Wallet:
1. Explore products and offers in the Forma Marketplace
All products are verified eligible under the program policy, unless otherwise stated.
Forma fulfills and manages the orders – no need to deal with third party vendors!
No reimbursements required! It’s that simple.
2. Submit a reimbursement for eligible items.
Obtain documentation showing the date, type of transaction, and the amount.
Submit eligible expenses as a claim on Forma (Forma > Claims > File a Claim).
Expenses that are submitted and approved by Forma will be reimbursed in your end of paycheck in the month following the approval.
For U.S. employees, the reimbursement will come in the mid-month paycheck.
For all other countries, the reimbursement will come at the end of the month paycheck.
Any unused balance expires at the end of each quarter. While there is no rollover, you can set up a recurring reimbursement each quarter until the item is fully reimbursed (or your balance is fully used). Please refer to the calendar here for the Quarterly Claim Submission Deadlines.
Note: Approved reimbursements are treated as regular taxable income per IRS regulations (or HMRC in the UK) and reflected as such on your paychecks.
Check out our recent blog post on how Samsarians are creatively using their Hootfund.
Email support@joinforma.com or chat with Forma support through the Forma Portal.
More Valuable Resources

Carrot Family Planning
Receive family planning resources and support.

Cleo Parenting Resource
Get expert guidance, advice, and information so you can parent with confidence.

Commuter Benefits
Reimbursement for eligible commuting expenses.

Samsara for Good
Support the charitable organizations of your choice.