Spouses and partners and kids, oh my!
You may enroll your eligible dependents* in Samsara benefits coverage, including:
Your spouse (as defined by applicable state law)
Your same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partner who meets certain criteria
Your dependent children, up to age 26
Your dependent children age 26 or older with a physical or mental disability as defined by the Social Security Administration
Definition of Children
Your or your domestic partner’s natural or adopted children
Your stepchildren whom you support and who live with you in a parent-child relationship
Children placed in your home for adoption
Any other children you support and are legal guardian for or those you are required to provide coverage for as the result of a qualified medical child support order
Domestic Partner Definition
If you’re enrolling a domestic partner in your Samsara benefits, you’ll be asked to attest to your domestic partner relationship and confirm that you’ve met all the eligibility requirements listed below for the past 12 months.
Are both at least 18 years old
Share a close personal relationship and are responsible for each other's welfare
Are each other's sole domestic partner
Have been in a domestic partner relationship for at least 12 months
Are not married to anyone/and have not had another domestic partner in the past 12 months
Are not related by blood closely enough to bar marriage in the state of residence
Share the same regular and permanent residence, with the current intent to continue doing so indefinitely
If you and your domestic partner meet the above criteria, you will be required to provide at least one of the following documents to prove joint responsibility for each other’s welfare and financial obligations (any secure information and account balances may be blacked out):
Registration of your domestic partnership/civil union under the applicable governmental (international, national, state or local) registry service.
Jointly held mortgage or lease.
Joint checking or savings account.
Designation of the employee’s domestic partner as a substantial beneficiary on the employee’s life insurance, retirement plans, will, or execution of a durable power of attorney in favor of the employees's domestic partner.
Imputed income will apply when you enroll a domestic partner
You will be taxed on your dependents' coverage, including premiums that Samsara pays on your partner’s behalf as domestic partnership coverage is not considered an eligible pre-tax dependent under IRS rules.
Qualifying Life Event: Dissolution of Domestic Partnership
Employees that enrolled a domestic partner for benefits under the Samsara Benefits Plan and are now requesting to remove them from those plans will need to provide the signed Dissolution of Domestic Partnership document and provide when making the change as a Qualifying Life Event.
*Note: Here are some examples of ineligible dependents- Parents, in-laws, siblings (there may be exceptions if you are a legal guardian of a minor)
Need Help?
We’ve partnered with Alliant Employee Benefits to make sure you have personalized support when you need it. You have access to Benefits Advocates who you can contact directly via phone or email for benefits help.
Email: samsara@alliant.com
Or call: (925) 378-6828
8 am – 5:00 pm (M-Th) Pacific Time
8 am – 4:30 pm (Fri) Pacific Time
More Valuable Resources
New to Samsara
All new employees should enroll within 30 days.
How to Enroll
We have a step-by-step guide to make your benefit elections.
Changing Your Benefits
Learn how to make changes to your benefits.